Associate Professor at Charles University, Prague, Czechia

Research profiles
Doctoral programme
Doctor of Science RNDr. of Regional and Political Geography at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague.
Doctoral degree study of Regional and Political Geography at the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague. Dissertation theme: The Evaluation of the Territorial Differentiation of the Long-term Land Use Changes in Czechia
Master programme
Master’s degree study of Regional geography at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development of the Faculty of Science, CU, Prague. Diploma thesis theme: The Evaluation of the Long-term Land Use Changes in Sedlcany Region.
Master’s degree study of Geography and Biology at the Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Diploma thesis theme: The Analysis of Environment in Příbram District.
High school
High School in Prague, Gymnasium , Praha Nad Stolou
Language skills
Software skills
PALUBA, D., LASTOVICKA, J., MOURATIDIS, A., STYCH, P. Land Cover-Specific Local Incidence Angle Correction: A Method for Time-Series Analysis of Forest Ecosystems. Remote Sensing 2021, 13, 9. DOI10.3390/rs13091743. IF = 4.848
SIMBERA, J., DRBOHLAV, D., STYCH, P. Geocoding Freeform Placenames: An Example of Deciphering the Czech National Immigration Database. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2021, 10 (5). DOI10.3390/ijgi10050335. IF = 2.899
WNEK, A., KUDAS, D., STYCH, P. National Level Land-Use Changes in Functional Urban Areas in Poland, Slovakia, and Czechia. Land 2021, 10, 1. DOI10.3390/land10010039, IF = 2.429
ŠANDERA, J.; ŠTYCH, P. Selecting Relevant Biological Variables Derived from Sentinel-2 Data for Mapping Changes from Grassland to Arable Land Using Random Forest Classifier. Land 2020, 9, 420. IF = 2.429
LASTOVICKA, J.; SVEC, P.; PALUBA, D.; KOBLIUK, N.; SVOBODA, J.; HLADKY, R.; STYCH, P. Sentinel-2 Data in an Evaluation of the Impact of the Disturbances on Forest Vegetation. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1914. IF = 4.509
MICEK, O.; FERANEC, J.; STYCH, P. Land Use/Land Cover Data of the Urban Atlas and the Cadastre of Real Estate: An Evaluation Study in the Prague Metropolitan Region. Land 2020, 9, 153. IF = 2.429
PI and co-PI of projects
EO4EDU – Earth Observation for Education – international Erasmus+ project (2020 – 2023), project number 2020-1-UK01-KA201-079007
European Union’s Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake under grant agreement no. FPA 275/G/GRO/COPE/17/10042, project FPCUP (Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake), Action 2019-2-49
PULCHRA – Science in the City: Building Participatory Urban Learning Community Hubs through Research and Activation. H2020 (ID no. 824466), 2019 – 2022.
Earth Observation for Economic Empowerment (EOPOWER), 7th FWP (Seventh Framework Programme), Project ID: 603500, FP7-ENVIRONMENT. 2013-2015.
- Hlávka prize for scientific literature in 2016 for the publication “Drought in Czech lands: past, present, future”
- Magnesia Litera Award 2015 in the publishing act of the year category for “Academic Atlas of Czech History”
- Award for “Landscape Atlas of the Czech Republic”:
- Map of 2010 from the Czech Cartographic Society;
- The best map work of the Czech Republic in 2010 from the International Book Fair in Prague in May 2011;
- Winner in the category of regional and national atlases at the 25th World Congress of Cartographers in Paris in July 2011;
- Map of the Month 10/2012 by the International Cartographic Association (ICA)
Last updated 30.01.2022