Current publications
Šandera, J., Štych, P.: Mapping changes of grassland to arable land using automatic machine learning of stacked ensembles and H2O library (2024). European Journal of Remote Sensing.
Onačillová, K., Krištofová, V., Paluba, D.: Automatic classification of forests using Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite data and machine learning methods in Google Earth Engine. Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae. PDF.
Grešlová, P., Laštovička, J., Štych, P., & Kabrda, J. (2023). Land cover flows and land use intensity in the three decades of the post-communist Czechia: Changing trends and driving forces. In Anthropocene (Vol. 43, p. 100395). Elsevier BV.
Paluba, D., Le Saux, B., Sarti, F., Stych, P.: Estimating optical vegetation indices with Sentinel-1 SAR data and AutoML (2023). Preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2311.07537
PALUBA, D., PAPALE, L.G., PERIVOLIOTI, T., ŠTYCH, P.; LAŠTOVIČKA, J.; KALAITZIS, P.; KARADIMOU, G.; PAPAGEORGIOU, E.; MOURATIDIS, A. (2023): Unsupervised Burned Area Mapping In Greece: Investigating The Impact Of Precipitation, Pre- And Post-Processing Of Sentinel-1 Data In Google Earth Engine. Proceedings of the IEEE IGARSS 2023. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10283130
ONAČILLOVÁ, K.; GALLAY, M.; PALUBA, D.; PÉLIOVÁ, A.; TOKARČÍK, O.; LAUBERTOVÁ, D. (2022): Combining Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data in Google Earth Engine to Derive Higher Resolution Land Surface Temperature Maps in Urban Environment. Remote Sensing.
Svoboda, J., Štych, P., Laštovička, J., Paluba, D., and Kobliuk, N., 2022. Random Forest Classification of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Using Sentinel-2 Data—A Case Study of Czechia. Remote Sensing, 14, no. 5: 1189.
Grešlová, P., Horáková, K., Dastychová, V., Hloušek, L., Seidlová, J., Laštovička, J., Havránek, M., Koblížková, E., Kochová, T. Tvář české krajiny v prostoru a čase. Mapování CORINE Land Cover 1990–2018 v socioekonomických souvislostech. Česká informační agentura životního prostředí, 2021, Praha, 133. ISBN 978-80-7674-025-9.
Paluba, D.; Laštovička, J.; Mouratidis, A.; Štych, P. Land Cover-Specific Local Incidence Angle Correction: A Method for Time-Series Analysis of Forest Ecosystems. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1743.
ŠANDERA, J.; ŠTYCH, P. Selecting Relevant Biological Variables Derived from Sentinel-2 Data for Mapping Changes from Grassland to Arable Land Using Random Forest Classifier. Land 2020, 9, 420.
BRŮHA, L.; LAŠTOVIČKA, J.; PALATÝ, T.; ŠTEFANOVÁ, E.; ŠTYCH, P. Reconstruction of Lost Cultural Heritage Sites and Landscapes: Context of Ancient Objects in Time and Space. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 604.
SLÁMA, J., STEJSKALOVÁ, I., KINCL, T., BYSTŘICKÝ, V., KVÍTEK, T., FIALOVÁ, D., ŠTYCH, P. Golf courses in the Czech Republic: Analysis of the development and socio-economic characteristics. Land Use Policy 2020, 99, 104976.
LASTOVICKA, J.; SVEC, P.; PALUBA, D.; KOBLIUK, N.; SVOBODA, J.; HLADKY, R.; STYCH, P. Sentinel-2 Data in an Evaluation of the Impact of the Disturbances on Forest Vegetation. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1914.
MICEK, O.; FERANEC, J.; STYCH, P. Land Use/Land Cover Data of the Urban Atlas and the Cadastre of Real Estate: An Evaluation Study in the Prague Metropolitan Region. Land 2020, 9, 153.
Senf, C., Linden, S., Laštovička, J., Okujeni, A., Heurich, M. A generalized regression-based unmixing model for mapping forest cover fractions throughout three decades of Landsat data, Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 240, April 2020, 111691.
HLADKÝ, R.; LASTOVICKA, J.; HOLMAN, L.; STYCH, P. Evaluation of the influence of disturbances on forest vegetation using the Landsat time series, a case study of the Low Tatras National Park. European Journal of Remote Sensing. Volume 53, 2020 – Issue 1.
STYCH, P.; LASTOVICKA, J.; HLADKY, R.; PALUBA, D. Evaluation of the Influence of Disturbances on Forest Vegetation Using the Time Series of Landsat Data: A Comparison Study of the Low Tatras and Sumava National Parks. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 71. ISSN 2220-9964.
STYCH, P.; KABRDA, J.; BICIK, I.; LASTOVICKA, J. Regional Differentiation of Long-Term Land Use Changes: A Case Study of Czechia. Land. 2019; 8(11),165;
STYCH, P.; JERABKOVA, B.; LASTOVICKA, J.; RIEDL, M.; PALUBA, D. A Comparison of WorldView-2 and Landsat 8 Images for the Classification of Forests Affected by Bark Beetle Outbreaks Using a Support Vector Machine and a Neural Network: A Case Study in the Sumava Mountains. Geosciences 2019, 9(9), 396;
ŠANDERA, J.; ŠTYCH. P. Change detection workflow for mapping changes from arable lands to permanent grasslands with advanced boosting methods. Geodetski vestnik, 2019, 63 (3), 379-394.
GREŠLOVÁ, P., ŠTYCH, P., SALATA, T., HERNIK, J., KNÍŽKOVÁ, I., BIČÍK, I., JELEČEK, L., PRUS, B., NOSZCZYK, T. Agroecosystem energy metabolism in Czechia and Poland in the two decades after the fall of communism: From a centrally planned system to market oriented mode of production. Land use policy, 2019, 82, 807-820.
LIESKOVSKÝ, J.; KAIM, D.; BALÁZS, P.; BOLTIŽIAR, M.; CHMIEL, M.; GRABSKA, E.; KIRÁLY, G.; KONKOLY-GYURÓ, E.; KOZAK, J.; ANTALOVÁ, K.; KUCHMA, T.; MACKOVČIN, P.; MOJSES, M.; MUNTEANU, C.; OSTAFIN, K.; OSTAPOWICZ, K.; SHANDRA, O.; STYCH, P.; RADELOFF, V.C. Historical land use dataset of the Carpathian region (1819–1980), Journal of Maps, 2018, 14:2, 644-651, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2018.1502099
MANAKOS, I.; TOMASZEWSKA, M.; GKINIS, I.; BROVKINA, O.; FILCHEV, L.; GENC, L.; GITAS, I.Z.; HALABUK, A.; INALPULAT, M.; IRIMESCU, A.; JELEV, G.; KARANTZALOS, K.; KATAGIS, T.; KUPKOVÁ, L.; LAVRENIUK, M.; MESAROŠ, M.; MIHAILESCU, D.; NITA, M.; RUSNAK, T.; STYCH, P.; ZEMEK, F.; ALBRECHTOVÁ, J.; CAMPBELL, P. Comparison of Global and Continental Land Cover Products for Selected Study Areas in South Central and Eastern European Region. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1967.
KLOUCEK T., MORAVEC D., KOMAREK J., LAGNER O., ŠTYCH P. Selecting appropriate variables for detecting grassland to cropland changes using high resolution satellite data. PeerJ, 2018, vol. 6. ISSN 2167-8359.
SLÁMA J., BYTŘICKÝ, V., ŠTYCH, P., FIALOVÁ, D., SVOBODOVÁ, L., KVÍTEK, T. Golf courses: New phenomena in the landscape of the Czech Republic after 1990. Land Use Policy, 2018, vol. 78, s. 430-446. ISSN 0264-8377.
BRAGINA, Eugenia, IVES, Anthony, PIDGEON, Anna, BALCIAUSKAS, Linas, CSÁNYI, Sándor, KHOYETSKYY, Pavlo, KYSUCKA, Katarina, LIESKOVSKY, Juraj, OZOLINS, Janis, RANDVEER, Tiit, ŠTYCH, Přemysl, VOLOKH, Anatoliy, ZHELEV, Chavdar, ZIÓŁKOWSKA, Elzbieta, RADELOFF, Volker. Wildlife population changes across Eastern Europe after the collapse of socialism. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2018, 16(2), s. 77-81., ISSN 1540-9295.
SÝKORA, J., POMAHAČOVÁ, R., KRESLOVÁ, M., ŠTYCH, P., SCHWARZ, J. Current global trends in the incidence of pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease, World J Gastroenterol 2018 July 7; 24(25): 2741-2763.
PAZÚR, Robert, FERANEC, Jan., ŠTYCH, Přemysl., KOPECKÁ, Monika., HOLMAN, Lukáš. Changes of urbanised landscape identified and assessed by the urban atlas data: Case study of Prague and Bratislava. Land Use Policy. 2017, Volume 61, s. 135–146, ISSN 0264-8377.
ŠTYCH, Přemysl, ŠRÁMKOVÁ, Denisa, BRANIŠ, Martin. Exposure assessment of elementary schools to traffic pollution by gis methods. Central European Journal of Public Health, 2016; 24 (2): s. 109–114, ISSN 1210-7778.
MUNTEANU, Catalina, KUEMMERLE, Tobias, BOLTIZIAR, Martin, BUTSIC, Van, GIMMI, Urs, HALADA, Lubos, KAIM, Dominik, KIRALY, Geza, KONKOLY-GYURO, Eva, KOZAK, Jacek, LIESKOVSKY, Juraj, MOJSES, Matej, MUELLER, Daniel, OSTAFIN, Krzystof, OSTAPOWICZ, Katarzyna, SHANDRA, Oleksandra, ŠTYCH, Přemysl, WALKER, Sarah, RADELOFF, Volker C.. Forest and agricultural land change in the Carpathian region-A meta-analysis of long-term patterns and drivers of change. Land Use Policy, 2014, Vol. 38, 685-697. ISSN 0264-8377.
FERANEC J., SOLIN L., KOPECKA M., OTAHEL J., KUPKOVÁ L., ŠTYCH P., BIČÍK I., KOLÁŘ J., CERBA, O., SOUKUP T., BRODSKY L. Analysis and expert assessment of the semantic similarity between land cover classes. Progress in Physical Geography, 2014, vol. 38, s. 301-327. ISSN 0309-1333.
KUČEROVÁ, Silvie, MATTERN, Tomáš, ŠTYCH, Přemysl, KUČERA, Zdeněk. Změny dostupnosti základních škol v Česku jako faktor znevýhodnění regionů a lokalit. Geografie. Sborník České geografické společnosti, 2011, 116(3), 300-316. ISSN 1212-0014.
DRBOHLAV, Dušan, ŠTYCH, Přemysl, DZÚROVÁ, Dagmar. Smuggled Versus Not Smuggled Across the Czech Border. International Migration Review, 2013, 47(1), 207-238. ISSN 0197-9183.
BIČÍK, Ivan, ŠTYCH, Přemysl. Dlouhodobý vývoj využití ploch v povodí. In: Kvítek, T. (Ed.) a kol. Retence a jakost vody v povodí vodárenské nádrže Švihov na Želivce Povodí Vltavy, státní podnik, Praha, 2017, s. 69-82, ISBN 978-80-270-2488-9.
FERANEC, Jan, SOUKUP, Tomáš, TAFF, Gregory, N., ŠTYCH, Přemysl, BIČÍK, Ivan. Overview of Changes in Land Use and Land Cover in Eastern Europe. In: Gutman, G., Radeloff ,V., (eds.). Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Eastern Europe after the Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Springer International Publishing, 2017. s. 13-33. ISBN 978-3-319-42636-5.
MUNTEANU, Catalina, RADELOFF, Volker, GRIFFITHS, Patrick, HALADA, Lubos, KAIM, Domink, KNORN, Jan, KOZAK, Jacek, KUEMMERLE, Tobias, LIESKOVSKY, Juraj, MÜLLER, Daniel, OSTAPOWICZ, Katarzyna, SHANDRA, Oleksandra, ŠTYCH, Přemysl. Land change in the Carpathian Region before and after major institutional changes. In: Gutman, G., Radeloff ,V., (eds.). Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Eastern Europe after the Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Springer International Publishing, 2017. s. 57-90. ISBN 978-3-319-42636-5.
FERANEC, Jan, KOPECKÁ, Monika, ŠTYCH, Přemysl, BIČÍK, Ivan, SOUKUP, Tomáš, JINDROVÁ, Markéta, JUPOVÁ, Kateřina. Changes of agricultural landscape in Central and Eastern Europe in 1990-2012. In: Himiyama, Y., Bicik, I., (eds.) Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World – Volume XII. Issued by International Geographical Union Commission on Land Use/Cover Change, Hokkaido University of Education, Asahikawa, 2017. s. 3-11, ISBN 978-4-907651-13-8.
ŠTYCH, Přemysl, MÍČEK, Ondřej, KŘÍŽ, Jan. Land use/cover changes in the Prague metropolis in years 1989, 1999 and 2006. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Kupková, L. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World – Volume XI. Issued by International Geographical Union Commission on Land Use/Cover Change, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague and Hokkaido University of Education, Asahikawa, 2015. s. 49−58. ISBN 978-4-907651-12-1.
BIČÍK, Ivan, KUPKOVÁ, Lucie, ŠTYCH, Přemysl. Changes of Land Use Structure in Czechia: From Local Patterns to a More Complex Regional Organization. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Štych, P. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World, Volume VII., IGU Commission on LUCC, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Hokkaido University of Education, Praha, Asahikawa, 2012, s. 5-12. ISBN 978-4-907651-08-4.
ŠTYCH, Přemysl, BIČÍK, Ivan, CHROMÝ, Pavel, BLÁHA, Jan Daniel. Case Study Areas Košťálkov, Kleintaxen: Change of Land Use Patterns 1823-2003. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Štych, P. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World, Volume VII., IGU Commission on LUCC, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Hokkaido University of Education, Praha, Asahikawa, 2012, s. 13-17. ISBN 978-4-907651-08-4.
ŠTYCH, Přemysl, BIČÍK, Ivan, SPAZIEROVÁ, Kateřina, JANOUŠEK, Zbyněk, BLÁHA, Jan Daniel. Case Study Area Rudná: Change of Land Use Patterns 1840-2005. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Štych, P. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World, Volume VII., IGU Commission on LUCC, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Hokkaido University of Education, Praha, Asahikawa, 2012, s. 25-29. ISBN 978-4-907651-08-4.
ŠTYCH, Přemysl, BIČÍK, Ivan, MALÍKOVÁ, Lucie, BLÁHA, Jan Daniel. Case Study Areas Živohošť, Křeničná and Blažim: Change of Land Use Patterns 1840-2005. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Štych, P. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World, Volume VII., IGU Commission on LUCC, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Hokkaido University of Education, Praha, Asahikawa, 2012, s. 31-35. ISBN 978-4-907651-08-4.
ŠTYCH, Přemysl, BIČÍK, Ivan, STONÁČEK, Václav, BLÁHA, Jan Daniel. Case Study Areas Hrubá Vrbka, Malá Vrbka, Kuželov: Change of Land Use Patterns 1827-2005. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Štych, P. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World, Volume VII. , IGU Commission on LUCC, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Hokkaido University of Education, Praha, Asahikawa, 2012, s. 37-41. ISBN 978-4-907651-08-4.
JELEČEK, Leoš, BIČÍK, Ivan, ŠTYCH, Přemysl, BLÁHA, Jan Daniel. Case Study Area Kobylí: Change of Land Use Patterns 1827-2001. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Štych, P. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World, Volume VII. , IGU Commission on LUCC, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Hokkaido University of Education, Praha, Asahikawa, 2012, s. 43-48. ISBN 978-4-907651-08-4.
JELEČEK, Leoš, BIČÍK, Ivan, ŠTYCH, Přemysl, JANOUŠEK, Zbyněk, BLÁHA, Jan Daniel. Case Study Areas Abertamy, Hřebečná: Change of Land Use Patterns 1842-2007. In: Bičík, I., Himiyama, Y., Feranec, J., Štych, P. (eds.). Land Use/Cover Changes in Selected Regions in the World, Volume VII., IGU Commission on LUCC, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Hokkaido University of Education, Praha, Asahikawa, 2012, s. 19-24. ISBN 978-4-907651-08-4.
MAREŠ, Petr, ŠTYCH, Přemysl. Historical Changes in Czech Landscape in 1845-2000 and Their Natural and Social Driving Forces Studied at Different Spatial Level. In: Understanding Land-use and Land Cover Changes in Global and Regional Context. 1. vyd. Plymouth: Science Publisher, 2005, s. 107-118. ISBN 1-57808-365-6.